
この度、株式会社8A GARAGEが企画した海外クラウドファンディングで、約3日間で約2.5倍の目標を達成することができました。



8A GARAGEは、北海道出身者が作る趣味のアウトドアブランドです。アウトドア用品の企画・製造・販売は、北海道の自然を愛する気持ちをプラスし、自分たちが使いたい、誇りを持てる「A級の商品」を作るというポリシーのもと行っています。




Thanks to everyone who has backed our project so far, we achieved about 2.5 times our funding goal in just 3 days!
This is incredible progress, and we couldn’t do it without our supporters.

Made-to-order cutting boards from local Hokkaido craftsman are garnering attention for their jaw-dropping detail, beauty, and uniqueness. With careful precision, as the resin is poured, it is simultaneously being meticulously decorated with natural wood and pinecones gathered in Hokkaido. We guarantee an original product where no two will ever look alike, all while bringing out the unique beauty and charm that can only be found in Hokkaido.

We of 8A GARAGE are a hobbyist outdoor brand made by Hokkaido locals. The planning, production, and sales of outdoor goods are made under the policy of making “A tier products” that we would like to use ourselves and are proud of, with the added benefit of our love for Nature that can be found in Hokkaido.

With your support, we hope to bring the natural beauty of Hokkaido to the world.

Keep an eye out for further updates, and thank you again.